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Pension Plan # 1033265

National Hockey League Pension Plan for Canadian Off-Ice Employees

Detail Name Detail Value
Registration Number: 1033265
Effective Date: Monday, July 01, 1996
Fiscal Year End: June 30
Plan Type: Multi-Employer
Benefit Type: Defined Contribution
Total Active Members: 192
Public Service Plan: No
FSRA Contact Centre:
Toll-free TTY:
Sponsor: National Hockey League and its Members Clubs
c/o NHL Pension Plan for Canadian Off-Ice Employees 2600-1800 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, QC H3A3J6
Custodian: Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
660-1155 Metcalfe Street, Montreal, QC H3B2V6
Administrator: Board of Trustees for the NHL Pension Plan for Canadian Off-Ice Employees
c/o National Hockey League 2600-1800 McGill College Avenue, Montreal, QC H3A3J6