Effective June 8, 2019, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) will assume the regulatory functions of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO). FSRA is in the process of moving content from this website to Visit for updates.

Pension Plan Information

To search for a Pension plan, fill in one or more fields below and click "Submit". Click "Reset" to start over.

NOTE: The pension plan web listing does not include all pension plans registered with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority; only plans with an active status (including those pending registration and winding up) that contain more than five active members will be displayed. The listing includes some information about the pension plans listed and an indication of the current status for some transactions (applications to FSRA) and some mandatory filings. See the bottom of the relevant web page for a description of the content of the page and the meaning of the terms used. This information is updated every 24 hours. For more detailed information regarding your pension plan, please contact your plan administrator.

REMINDER: Read our legal disclaimer before you access the pension plan listings, by clicking on the legal disclaimer link above.

FSRA is actively working on upgrading our systems. Our goal is to improve your overall experience with FSRA. This will take time and we appreciate your patience. As we continue to transform our digital presence, you will begin to see improvements and enhancements starting with re-branding our systems to FSRA.