Effective June 8, 2019, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) will assume the regulatory functions of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) and the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO). FSRA is in the process of moving content from this website to Visit for updates.

Pension Plan Extract

The pension plan extract includes pension plans with the following plan status: active, winding up, pending registration, frozen, and funds in existence. For privacy reasons only pension plans with more than five active members are included in the extract.

The following fields are included in the extract:
  • Plan Registration Number
  • Plan Name
  • Effective Date
  • Fiscal Year End
  • Plan Type (Single-Employer, Multi-Employer)
  • Benefit Type (Defined Benefit, Defined Contribution, Combination)
  • Plan Status
  • Total Active Membership
  • Public Sector Plan Indicator
Contact information is also included in the extract for the Plan Sponsor, Administrator, and Custodian of the plan. The following fields are included in the extract:
  • Role (Plan Sponsor, Administrator, Custodian)
  • Corporation Name
  • Full Address (Address 1 & 2, City, Province, Country, Postal Code)

Click on the link below to download the extract in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format.

CSV (1,573 K) - The CSV file will open up in a spreadsheet format. Eg. Excel. Alternatively, you can choose a different program to open the file.